Your loved one’s
cremation services Hellertown, PA, can help you put their memory to rest. The cremation service may remain in your memory forever. It’s very natural to want to say the perfect words. They don’t exist.
However, there are words that you can say that you may be able to reflect on with pleasure. There are no magic words that will bring your loved one back to life or lessen the pain that you feel, but you can provide small comfort. These words are like a balm you can use to soothe yourself.
1. I Love You
If you are very close to the survivors, it’s a good idea to say “I love you.” These words are almost always soothing. Death reminds you that you need to tell people that you love them. It’s easy to forget to do this. Life gets in the way. It’s easy to live as though you are immortal until you are confronted with death. When it strikes, it’s an excuse to rethink your relationships and commitments.
2. I’m Here
Your presence means a lot to people during hard times. That is one of the main purposes of a cremation or memorial service. It gives the mourners time to reflect on what happened and share their thoughts on what happened. A verbal reminder that you are there for the experience is very welcome. Remember, no one is looking for perfect words because they don’t exist.
3. A Shared Memory
Memories of the deceased drive the memorial. There’s nothing more comforting than learning new things about the deceased. You may discover a side of them that you never knew existed. This knowledge doesn’t have to startle you. You may find that your relationship to the deceased deepens as you learn more about how they lived.
4. I’m Listening
Everyone wants to be heard. Knowing that someone is listening, that someone cares, can provide comfort in the darkest hours. These words tell people that you are involved. Listening to someone, truly listening, deepens your understanding.
5. A Eulogy
Eulogies are designed for the deceased and the mourners. These are words you say about the deceased to honor their life. Eulogies can be both painful and moving. If you plan on delivering a eulogy, you don’t need to worry about style. Focus on simple expressions that say what you feel. Eulogies are often fairly short. It’s impossible to touch on every aspect of a person’s life.
Death is never pleasant. It is, however, unavoidable. When it strikes, your only option is to try to move on. This is the path forward. Death will never become easy. The cremation service can lessen your pain but it may not get rid of it. This is an unfortunate fact of life that no one can ignore.
Located at 1418 Main St, Hellertown, PA, 18055,
Falk Funeral Homes & Crematory
is the right place to be when you need cremation services Hellertown, PA. You can call us at (610) 838-9191 to get started.