163 Main St.
Pennsburg, PA 18073
Fax: 215-679-5782
Cremation services Hellertown, PA, during the pandemic have an extra layer of difficulty. The pandemic has wreaked havoc in our lives in ways unforeseen since the second half of the last century. Every aspect of our social life was plunged upside down to which funeral traditions are no exception. Statistics show that every fifth American has lost a close friend or family member during this time.
It’s necessary to understand why it may be more difficult to cope with grief during COVID-19. Here are the major reasons:
What’s worst about coronavirus is the bereaved families can’t mourn the loss in traditional ways due to social distancing. For many people, it aggravates the pain as there’s often comfort in rituals and that is something coronavirus pandemic has taken away.
Funeral rituals have always been an inherent part of many cultures and traditions and for the better part, they provide context and add meaning to the death of a loved one. But now, families cannot hold gatherings and instead, rely on virtual ways to get condolences and empathies.
Another major factor that aggravates the pandemic grief is its widespread scale. At times, you find it easier as you’re not alone and millions out there are sharing the same grief. While some times, you find it harder to fathom the magnitude of the loss. The fact that your loved one could have survived the pandemic. This causes feelings of anger which can spiral and compound your grief.
Because of pandemic restrictions, there are strict grieving protocols. You’re lucky if you could even find a single shoulder to cry on, let alone get emotional support from all friends and family.
All the traditional frameworks like holding reception or memorial service, gathering with your loved ones, and honoring the deceased’s last wishes have been either altered or canceled. Many of your close friends and extended family members cannot travel for the funeral which makes things harder. This loss of funeral framework complicates the grieving journey.
The pandemic has witnessed an increase in the cases of compounded grief. being unable to honor the deceased may make you feel lost in a sea of unanswered questions: “Have you done best for your loved one?” “Could you save his or her life?” “Will you ever make peace with the loss?
The emotions pent up with time and lead to complicated grief which encompasses extended periods of sorrow, numbness, and even guilt and anger.
Statistics show that complicated grief occurs in 7% of bereaved people and its warning signs include being unable to return to normal life even after several months of losing a loved one.
Remember that you cannot bring back the departed soul. Don’t go hard on yourself and give yourself some slack and try to maintain a healthy routine to bring the loss to closure and return to normalcy after cremation services Hellertown, PA.