Funeral homes Bethlehem, PA. are reality. At some point in life, everyone has to face the
pain and grief of losing a loved one. But if a person is gone forever, it doesn’t mean their memories are faded. We all remember and preserve the memory of our lost loved ones through mourning rituals – which are an important part of our lives.
These rituals are symbolic activities that allow the bereaved to express their love and feelings for the lost loved one and get the support of family and friends.
Some of the mourning rituals that you should try to help ease the pain are:
Create Art in Their Memory
It is psychologically proven that looking at pictures or graphics that remind you of the loved one accelerates the healing process. You should create a work of art in the name of your lost loved one containing their pictures and favorite memories. You may also use a coloring book created solely for healing.
Cook Their Favorite Meal
Arranging a dinner in the name of the departed loved one and inviting close friends and family acts as “food for the soul.” It gives a chance to share sweet memories of the loved one. Not only it is a simple and easy ritual to do but getting together with close ones helps the bereaved get over the pain and grief of the irreparable loss.
Light a Candle
The ritual of
lighting a candle
in the memory of someone precedes the ancient Roman Empire – and it gives a strong message in the presence of people that care about the departed soul. Many Americans light candles on the altar or gravesite of the lost loved one every week as a reminder, particularly when the departed was their life partner or parent.
Preserve a Remembrance Item
You should preserve something that reminds you of the lost beloved one such as a watch, handkerchief, piece of jewelry, or a lighter – especially if it belongs to the deceased. Carry it around as a reminder of how much you care for the loved one as it brings relief and comfort.
Write Goodbye
There are many things that we want to say to the one we love the most that we couldn’t say when they were alive. It becomes even more painful when the loved left us forever – knowing we missed the chance to speak our hearts out.
Write down all the unsaid words in a letter and you may bury it or burn it with the loved one. Or arrange a ritual or event and ask all the visitors to write the blessings to the deceased for the positive change the loved one brought in their life. And you should preserve the letters in a memory box.
rituals are simple but portray a powerful message. People from all walks of life and religion can follow these rituals and show their love and affection for the lost loved one. Funeral homes Bethlehem, PA, are the next part of the process.